Product Details for Material from TASKER - 2811-TAS-C716 - Three phase bridge rectifier; 1400V; 25A; 400A; TBR

2811-TAS-C716 TASKER Three phase bridge rectifier; 1400V; 25A; 400A; TBR

Part Nnumber
Three phase bridge rectifier; 1400V; 25A; 400A; TBR
Basic price
1,00 EUR

The product with part number 2811-TAS-C716 (Three phase bridge rectifier; 1400V; 25A; 400A; TBR) is from company TASKER and distributed with basic unit price 1,00 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Attention! This product is sold up to the quantity available in stock. In case of larger orders, the amount will be replaced by the available quantity. Type of semiconductor component : three phase bridge rectifier Off state voltage max. : 1400V Rated current : 25A Max. forward impulse current : 400A Case : TBR Manufacturer : DC COMPONENTS

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